Your visit
At Barg Family Clinic, we aim to be as flexible as possible with your appointments. Whether you’re a new patient or if you’ve been seeing us for decades, know that we value your time and that we’ll meet your needs as best as we can.

Clinic hours
Exam appointments
We schedule patient visits beginning at 7 AM Monday – Friday. Although we make every effort to see each patient at their scheduled time, we may need to see some patients immediately due to severe illness that requires immediate attention. If this should happen while you are at the clinic, we will update you regarding any delays and ask that you please understand that we will be with you as soon as possible.
Occasionally, you may notice that patients are not called in the same order they’ve arrived. Please don’t be alarmed – many patients are at the clinic for reasons other than a medical visit such as to have lab samples collected or a follow up x-ray.
Annual Physical
Annual physical exams are an important part of your healthcare and serve many purposes. In most cases, these visits will be covered by your health insurance carrier at little or no cost to you. If you’d like to schedule an annual physical exam, please contact the clinic. These visits can also be scheduled while at the clinic for another visit – just ask to speak with our scheduler and they’ll be happy to assist.
Rescheduling your appointment
We understand that sometimes it’s necessary to reschedule an appointment due to circumstances beyond your control. If that should happen, we ask that you kindly contact us at least 24 hours prior to your scheduled time and we’ll be happy to reschedule your visit. Should you fail to attend your appointment without contacting us or if you contact us with less than 24 hour notice, there will be a $50 fee charged to your account.
Lab work
If your doctor has recommended lab work either before or after a visit, no appointment is needed. Simply come to the clinic Monday – Friday between 8 AM and 11 AM or 1 PM and 3 PM and notify the front desk.
If your doctor has recommended an injection either before or after a visit, no appointment is needed. Simply come to the clinic Monday – Friday between 8 AM and 11 AM or 1 PM and 3 PM and notify the front desk.
Arriving at our clinic
New patients
Please arrive 30 minutes before your appointment. This gives you time to fill out your new patient forms before you see your doctor. Or if you prefer, you can download the forms here on our website, print them, fill them out ahead of time, and give them to the receptionist when you check in. In either case, bring your insurance card with you when you come.
Current patients
Please arrive 15 minutes before your appointment. If any personal or insurance information has changed since your last visit, please tell the receptionist when you check in. This lets us update your records, and file your insurance with the right carrier.
Medication refills
All prescription refill requests require 48 hours notice, or two business days, to allow time for the provider to approve your request, make changes, or to add any medications. Please note that there are visit requirements for prescription refills.
There are certain controlled and/or narcotic medications that require a patient to be seen every 30 days to continue to be refilled. You will be informed by the provider or clinic staff of the need for a return appointment. These appointments should be made with the prescribing provider when at all possible. Please book these return appointments upon checking out before leaving the clinic. These may be refilled by our Physician’s Assistant in the event the prescribing provider is out of the office or unavailable, however, this will require an appointment to do so.
For all ADHD/ADD medications, patients must be seen in clinic every 6 months. Patients will receive a 3 month supply prescribed at the visit, and then must call to request a refill for the next 3 month supply. Please respect our 48 hour/two business day allowance for these refill requests. Patients should make their 6 month follow up appointment upon checking out before leaving the clinic or at the time of the 3 month refill request to ensure there is no issue with being seen in the required timeframe. ADHD/ADD medication refills are only authorized by the prescribing provider, not other providers within the clinic.
There are other miscellaneous controlled medications that require a patient to be seen within the last year to continue to be refilled. These appointments should be made with the prescribing provider when at all possible. These may be refilled by our Physician’s Assistant in the event the prescribing provider is out of the office or unavailable. You may book these appointments upon checking out before leaving the clinic or you may call back to do so, however, please call at least three weeks prior to the end of your medication supply to schedule your return appointment.
Refills for maintenance medications taken for chronic or long-term illnesses require a patient to be seen within the last year to continue to be refilled. These appointments should be made with the prescribing provider. You may book these appointments upon checking out before leaving the clinic or you may call back to do so, however, please call at least three weeks prior to the end of your medication supply to schedule your return appointment.
- (501) 224-5220
- 7:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m
- Monday through Friday
If you need to be hospitalized, your physician here will contact the hospital, and explain your situation before you’re admitted. The doctor at the hospital will take care of you once you’re there. This includes ordering any tests, giving you any medicine, monitoring you, and keeping your physician updated on how you’re doing.
Once you’re discharged from the hospital, you’ll keep seeing your physician here at Barg Family Clinic as you did before.
Insurance and Patient Accounts
Payments for services
When you are here for an appointment, we are happy to file a claim for your visit with your health insurance. To help us do that accurately please be sure to bring an up to date insurance card and also be prepared to remit any co-pays, co-insurance or deductibles due for the services rendered. We accept cash, checks and major credit cards (Visa, Mastercard, Discover, and American Express).
The Barg Family Clinic has contracted with EngageMED, Inc. to file your insurance claims and maintain your patient account. If you have any questions about your claim, your account, a bill you’ve received for services rendered here at the clinic or if you’d like to pay an open balance please contact their customer service department between 8 AM – 4 PM Monday – Friday. They can be reached by calling (501) 224-1690.
Clinic Policies
Payments/Billing Office
Payment for services received is expected at the time of service unless other arrangements or payment plans have been set up.
If you have a question regarding you Barg Family Clinic Bill, please contact the business office at 501-224-1690. Questions regarding bills from laboratories such as Quest Diagnostics or LabCorp must be addressed with those companies specifically. We do not have access to their billing policies or patient accounts.
Barg Family Clinic employs a variety of methods to stay in touch with our patients. We will make every attempt to return all calls same day (when called before 3p.m.)
- Sign up for the Healow Patient Portal to access detailed information about your healthcare visits and to send a message to your provider. Please see our front desk to get signed up.
- Follow Barg Family Clinic on Facebook.
We will happily refer you to specialists based on your medical condition(s). Please allow five (5) business days for the office to submit your referral to the referring provider or facility. If you need information on an already submitted referral, please call our office.
No Show/Cancellation Policy
We use a variety of methods to confirm your appointment up to 4 days prior to your appointment. If you are more than 15 minutes late for your appointment, your time slot is no longer guaranteed. We will make every effort to reschedule your appointment the same day. If you miss an appointment or have not provided at least 24 hours notice of cancellation, you will be charged a “no-show” fee. Our “no-show” fee is $50. Please note, there is a $50 “no-show” fee for missed appointments that were scheduled on the same day.
Medication Refill Policy
We encourage our patients to request refills at their regular appointments. Please do not wait until you are out of a medication to call the office for a refill request. Please allow 72 hours (3 business days) for your prescription to be refilled.
Controlled substance refills: We do not refill controlled substances over the phone as these refills require an office visit.
NOTE: Prescriptions that require a prior authorization may need additional processing time.
Forms and Letters Policy
For any forms or letters that require provider documentation, please drop them off at the office after you complete your portion of the form. We are unable to accept responsibility for any forms that are left at the office without a name and valid date of birth. Please note that some forms may require you to be seen by a provider before completion. In this case you will be asked to schedule an appointment. There is a $25 fee for all forms that do not require an office visit. This fee must be paid prior to form completion. Please allow five (5) business days for the office to complete your form request.