Medicare Preventive Screening
Health and wellness needs become more unique as you age. From physical injuries to chronic health conditions, older adults face changes that our team at Barg Family Clinic can help you manage and prevent at every wellness visit.
What to expect
Good health and wellness are critical for every patient. During your check-up, your doctor will help put you on the right track with treatment options and referrals that best fit your short and long-term needs. Here’s a closer look at some areas that your doctor might want to talk about during your visit and what they might involve.
As you get older, your body needs fewer calories. It also needs more of certain nutrients, such as calcium and vitamin D for bone and muscle health. Including these important elements more often in your diet will promote great health in your later years.
Many seniors take multiple prescription medications a day. Your doctor will want to review how they’re prescribed, and discuss how they’re working for you. If changes need to be made, your doctor will make them during your visit.
Sleep Patterns
From sleep apnea to restless leg syndrome, many things can disrupt sleep patterns as you age. Your doctor will help you establish a good sleep routine, and diagnose and treat any condition that keeps you up at night.
Physical Activity
Regular physical activity of any kind is highly important for seniors. Even some physical activity is better than none, and your doctor will help you figure out routine works for you.
Health Screenings
Along with talking to you about your current health and ways to improve it, your doctor might want to do some screenings if you show signs or symptoms of certain conditions. Here’s a brief look at the most common areas of concern for seniors and the screenings that are involved.
Heart Disease
This is the highest cause of death for men and women in the United States. If you have the risk factors, a simple screening to check your arteries can help you prevent a heart attack or stroke.
High Cholesterol
High cholesterol normally shows no signs or symptoms. That makes it even more important to get a screening to check your cholesterol levels and triglycerides to lower your risk of a heart attack or stroke.
A screening for diabetes is especially important if you’re obese, have a family history of diabetes, or have had a blood pressure of 140/90 or higher. A quick blood sample screening will tell you if you have prediabetes, type 1, or type 2.
This screening, which seniors should have done twice a year, checks a woman’s breasts for cancer before the signs or symptoms appear. The X-ray scans are painless and can help prevent cancer early.
Sexually Transmitted Diseases
If you’re sexually active even with multiple partners, you should get screened for STDs. These diseases, which include syphilis, gonorrhea, and genital herpes, have risen among older adults and can easily be prevented.
Why choose us
When choosing a family clinic, you need an honest, compassionate team who makes it their life’s work to keep you and your family healthy. And at Barg Family Clinic, that’s what we do for families every day and have done for over four decades. Your every visit is special to us, because it means seeing you, listening to you, and personalizing our treatments to fit your needs. Come see us today!
When choosing a family clinic, you need an honest, compassionate team who makes it their life’s work to keep you and your family healthy. And at Barg Family Clinic, that’s what we do for families every day and have done for over four decades. Your every visit is special to us, because it means seeing you, listening to you, and personalizing our treatments to fit your needs. Come see us today!